Tuesday, 17 August 2010

NOWA SODA project - GREEN SEAS - Uncompleted

My “GREEN SEAS” installation bases on the contradiction with “white seas”, a term which had been called for the Solvay era. From storage for the post-soda waste which badly polluted the environment, the place is transformed to be green spaces for culture and art. From manufacturing products, the place is manufacturing ideas nowadays. A large-scale hanging installation with Paper Mache balloons to display Soda Ash Formula in 3D, from ceilings links with a green balloon pool.

The purpose of reality creates the power of transformation.

This “illusory historic symbol” is a “connected idealization” between the profit of jobs for local residents, profit of economic plus finance and the harmful impact on the environment. This is a fine link between live or death. I have witnessed and been affected by the rapid and massive changes in my birthplace, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam. It has been far from beautiful and encouraging for the future, as the emphasis has been on speed and utility, rather than on respect for the individual, the society, the past or the future—not to mention aesthetics! I had examined the beauty of the slum life, the ugliness of urban “renewal” that is bereft of soul, and how they exist within the elements of nature that always surround them.

It has always being a good and global question of how to get the right balance? How to keep the green space for both economic and environment? How to keep your life and your planet safe?

We suffer because we encounter a world of harshness and suspicion, caused by ourselves who do not realize there has a secret connection of lives and places. Everything you give to the Mother Earth, she gives it back to you. You want people good to you, you have to be good to people.

*Unfortunately, NoWa Soda project is still uncompleted of the lack of sponsorship. I still keep this one in mind.

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