Thursday, 11 August 2011


“Masks and Me” is a collaboration film project between myself and friends at the HCMC University of Theatre and Movie to present various contemporary art forms such as body painting, mask make-up, performance art and dance together in a 20 minutes short film. “Masks and Me” aims to bring Vietnamese culture accessible into multi-national programs in different regions.

“Marks and Me” is a story about young Vietnamese girl has nature talent but could not find the right way to express herself. She is stuck in between of keeping old ideas as the way it was or searching new directions for her purpose. On the way looking for future, she is helped by the masks around her.

As Sorell wrote: “The mask is the beginning, trauma and essence of all metamorphoses, it is the tragic bridge from life into death, it is the illusion of another reality, or the disguise with which man reaches reality on a higher plane, stronger in its awareness, clearer and more concrete in its expression than the elusive image of reality itself. The mask contains the magic of illusion without which man is unable to live.” (The Other Face: The Mask In The Arts by Walter Sorell, 1973)

Directed by Jennie Nguyen Vo Ngoc Diem
Performed by An Tran

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