Monday, 17 September 2007

IF IT IS TO BE - London 07 - 12 September 2007

Installation with light, shadow, bamboo, wire, string
(4 x 4 x 4 meters)
Theme: The mask of reality stands for the power of transformation.As Sorell wrote: “The mask is the beginning, trauma and essence of all metamorphoses, it is the tragic bridge from life into death, it is the illusion of another reality, or the disguise with which man reaches reality on a higher plane, stronger in its awareness, clearer and more concrete in its expression than the elusive image of reality itself. The mask contains the magic of illusion without which man is unable to live.” (The Other Face: The Mask In The Arts by Walter Sorell, 1973)
We suffer because we encounter a world of harshness and suspicion, caused by people who do not show their real selves, but live under masks—often for their entire lives. The masks can be invisible but contain dozens of layers and one can only remove a mask layer by layer. It makes us ask, “What is under the mask? What is hiding deeply in the soul?” A long time ago, my eyes were blind, my mind was blank. Somehow, I lost myself in the reality to struggle against the rudeness, the suspicion of the world itself. I dream of a new friendly, competent and honest world - a world with understanding.

My “illusory tragic icon” stands as a “connected structure” between many masks people create within themselves. It is a transformation of “wall” or “bridge” in its modular system; a connection of human faces and psychological feelings. People build walls instead of bridges. We cannot live without bridges. The world is 70% water. The world is floating. How can we be joined in peace without the support of bridges? How can we be close together without understanding the people on the other side?
Displayed at the Brigde Gallery
The Old Truman Brewery, Brick Lane, London

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